Our society meets on the 3rd Monday of the month. At each meeting, our ladies bring their own sandwich and the society provides coffee and baked goods. We discus ministry of Trinity and how to help the church in whole.

For our sisters in Christ who cannot make our noon meeting, Phyllis host a Thursday Night Meeting on the same week at 7:00 PM. This is for ladies who work during the day.

Thursday Night Group preparing ornaments for children.
We welcome all sisters in Christ to join us for fellowship and ministry
Ministries of the Ladies’ Aid.
Through out the year, we support various organizations and ministries.
Trinity Lutheran Church Food Pantry.

Adopting a Seminarian

College Care Package
Ladies’ Night out
Every few months, Phyllis Yee organizes a wonderful opportunity for all the women of the church to gather together. The last two times, the women ate at Page One. They laughed, share stories and listen to music played by Peter Charon.
Society Gatherings
During the Spring, Fall and Advent Breakfast, we gather with the ladies of the Nassau County in Worship and in fellowship. It is a great bonding time with other church women.

Deaconess Tiffany Manor of Mill Neck’s Lutheran Friends of the Deaf at the LWML Fall Rally.
Christmas Luncheon
Prior to Christmas, we have fellowship at a luncheon instead of having a meeting in December.